Summertime! Pool time, play time, picnics and outdoor parties. But, along with all that fun comes a lot of extra laundry! Wet towels and swimsuits end up tossed everywhere, and there are frequent changes of shorts and t-shirts piling up. How can you manage to enjoy the season and stay on top of your household chores? It’s not so hard.

First of all, engage the entire family in being mindful. Ask everyone from young to old to get their dirty clothing promptly in the laundry basket, not kicked under the beds or hung on back of the kitchen chairs! Same goes for towels – hang and reuse when possible, and when it’s time for a wash they should go the hamper.

If you have been holding off on a washer and dryer set, summer is the perfect time to take advantage of renting washer and dryers. With low rental prices for a washer or dryer, along with free delivery it’s a huge savings of both time and money over the laundry mat. Keep on top of your summer laundry and avoid the summertime blues!